Record breaking blood drive

Did you know that only about 5% of the general population gives blood? Reasons for needing blood include cancer, car accidents, organ transplant, heart and other diseases.  For many patients, a blood transfusion is the difference between life and death.  Recently, Brownmed employees stepped up to the challenge of helping our local communities with a blood drive in Kansas City and Spirit Lake.

The company kicked off this community service activity with a friendly competition between the Kansas City and Spirit Lake offices.  In Spirit Lake, 12/50 employees donated and in Kansas City, 6/7 employees donated.  These numbers may seem “small”, but what is incredible is that 30% of our employee base donated!  Several of these employees were also first time donors.

Donors included Tom Von Bank, Stacy Stevens, Jeannie Cunningham, Jenny Sesler, Rachelle Lackey, Tami Gambardella, Rod Patton, Andy Clark, Paul Katzfey, Leah Siebrecht, Mary DeBoer, Jeff Nichols, Bev Rigby, Luann Mehan, Kolleen Pattison, Joann Kastrup, Kathy Fisk and Linda Butcher-Christoffer.

